12/31/99 (Public Distribution) originally the VK pak9.pak, integrated the SAC/NEA. There are quite a few additional radio/voice sounds, and cosmetic changes to things like quad, flags, console text, weapon/tech sounds, HUD and Crosshairs pics, and so on. Just unzip the pak9.pak file into your lmctf folder, you may also want to add/modify some key binds. Special thanks to VK-Mongusta for making most of the team radio sounds for us in his sound lab (yep that's his voice). Thanks also to the people who contributed to the SAC/NEA pak, and others who have helped to collect various files. Have fun and enjoy, while q2lmctf is still around. VK-Hunter vallikan@earthlink.net LMCTF pak9.pak for VK. (Radio sounds:) q60 - "Have quad, respawn in 60 seconds...." (Quad timer) rune - "Rune is available" shut - "Somebody shut that place down!" sptflg - "Spotted the flag carrier" nowdef - "now defending the base" disgrd - "Disregard that" flagre - "on flag recovery" frquad - "friendly quad" lopowr - "low power" bsatk - "base is under attack" vkcom2 - Beep/tone - vkcomm - Beep/tone - _doh _timebomb _scoobydoolaugh _sigh _stupid (SAC/NEA radio sounds:) thatscool _ammo _armsac _arune _ashield _cancelthat _copythat _dadada _damagerune _dbase _decoy _ebaseflag _ecamp _eclear _equad _escorthigh _escorting _escortlow _fquad _goodwork _gquad _guardingbase _hasterune _highflag _imdown _inbattle _letsdoit _lowflag _middleflag _needrune _nothreat _onmyway _onoff _ps60 _quad30 _quad60 _regenrune _search _sgquad _shieldrune _spotted _vamprune _whereflag (Voices:) beep hi ubadass _haha _backup _dickhead _hellya _recoverflag _stay _supwithu _takethis _thereugo _whatrudh _wrula (Sample VK team macros:) bind x "play_team q60 ;<> %p %l " bind x "play_team rune ;[Dropped Rune %t ] %p %l ;play_voice beep " bind x "play_team sptflg ;say_team <> %l %p ;play_voice beep" bind x "play_team nowdef ;say_team [On Defense] %p %l" bind x "play_team vkcomm ;((positioning to attack)) %p %l ;play_team ready" bind x "wave 0 ; play_voice _haha" (note the "_" in front of some of these sounds, must be included)